
quip is currently experiencing a time of transition—growing pains, if you will. When we first started quip, we couldn’t have predicted how fun, inspiring, and stressful running a literary magazine would be, and we definitely didn’t anticipate all the submissions we’d receive. Like seriously. It’s a ton. It’s been an excellent problem to have! But as a two-woman show, we’ve found that between work and writing and life-living, giving quip and our amazing authors the time and attention they deserve is difficult—some months, impossible. So, we’ve decided to take a pause and re-evaluate our processes.

What does this mean for submitters?

If you’re waiting to hear back from us on your Issue 5 submission, that means you’re a finalist for publication. We’re still evaluating those submissions. If you want to withdraw your submission, we totally understand. It’s a long time to wait.

If you were hoping to submit for Issue 6, you can still submit for Issue 5, which will be published in the spring of 2022. Submissions opened October 1, 2021. We offer free submissions for the first 100 submitters on Submittable, and submissions are always free to (please read through the instructions on our site before emailing us).

We know this isn’t an ideal situation, especially for our submitters and readers looking forward to a fall issue, but we’ll be back in the spring with more great stories.

Until then,

Sarah & AB